Raleigh NC, United States of America

Raleigh NC, United States of America

Raleigh NC United States of America

The city of Raleigh is the capital of the State of Carolina of the North, United States, making it the second most inhabited city in the State after Charlotte. Raleigh was chosen as the new state capital in 1788, and was officially founded in 1792 as the capital of North Carolina and Wake County respectively. Which is a perfect destination to visit with the family, since the diversity of places and having one of the most extensive history of cities in the United States makes it a good destination to visit.
Recommended airport
Raleigh Durham Intl (RDU)
Points of interest
  • Research Triangle Park
  • Carter Finley Stadium
  • Raleigh Convention Center
Nearby destinations
  • Durham NC a 33.46 km
  • Cary NC a 12.84 km
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